Check out the Messanger for a story from the Director of Therapeutic Foster and Adoption, Ron Bertsch. Ron's story is featured on page 5. Read the full story here

DCCH Foster Adopt Family, Joe and Jess Kues were featured on Spectrum News recently. They are valued and respected! A family DCCH wishes could be cloned 100 times over. They exemplify the love, dedication, and yes even the sacrifices necessary to be great parents. For them it is just following God’s will to live out the Gospel message, caring for children in need. The Kues family stepped up to the role as foster parents and when the circumstances led to the children’s need for permanency through adoption they responded again. Whatch the Interveiw Here

DECEMBER 3, 2024—DCCH Center for Children and Families celebrates its 175th adoption. This is a full circle moment for one of our kiddos, Joseph, who started his journey with us as a resident in our on-site care and ended with his adoption! Brian Menendez, a forty-year-old single man had recently moved and was getting to know the Northern Kentucky area. He read the bible verse James 1:27 which reads, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows”. Something stirred, and Brian did an internet search for places to help orphans and came across DCCH Center for Children and Families, in Ft. Mitchell. He immediately began the process to become a mentor for a child. DCCH just marked their 175th anniversary of providing care for children since starting in 1848 as St. John Orphanage. Merging with St. Joseph Orphanage forming the Read more...

DCCH staff both past and present had the amazing privilege to witness Alisa Baker finalize the adoption of three wonderful youth she has fostered for 2 plus years! Jonathan, Sonnie, and Leanna were all sworn in and testified they wanted to be adopted. They each took a turn in Campbell County Family Court Judge Abigail Voelker’s seat to hammer the gavel with a big smile. Congratulations to all on this milestone accomplishment and best wishes for your future.

Displaying immense faith and trust in God through their journey in the foster care and adoption process, Rachel and Tobias Nathe are exemplary. This devout couple met their twin sons at seven months old, just weeks before the global pandemic changed everything. Rachel and Tobias cared for the boys August and Forrest and ministered to their biological parents for a year and a half. They celebrated when the children returned to their birth parents. During this time Rachel and Tobias continued to offer their support. When the parents lost custody again, the boys returned to their foster home once more. August and Forrest just celebrated their fifth birthdays, finalized their adoption, and had the boys baptized in their church. Congratulations Nathe Family and Thank you for everything! Tobias was quoted in the Messenger last year when interviewed for a story during May’s National Foster Care Month. “Fostering can be intimidating for some, Read more...

CONGRATULATIONS to this amazing family! Jeff and Jamie Martin finalized the adoption of their daughter Josie! We are so happy for you all . The family completely surprised her, as everyone met on the Boone County Court House steps. Many of her family and friends joined, including some of her biological siblings who were adopted too. Most special was her entire second-grade class from Calvary Christian School who witnessed the occasion virtually. DCCH team with Denise Govan, President, Ron Bertsch Foster Care/Adoption Director, and case managers Sarah McAdams & Jessica Postel were present to celebrate, along with Josie’s CASA worker Jennifer Rose, KY CHFS worker Erin Heis, and Attorney Kat Schulz

CONGRATULATIONS Tony, Amy, and Anthony Pajk welcomed Layla, LaSya, and LaKing into their new forever family! The courtroom was full of love and support from family and friends alike. A record-breaking crowd came to support the Pajk's with 71 people present in the courtroom and 30 entities via Zoom. DCCH team with Denise Govan, President, Ron Bertsch, Foster Care/Adoption Director, and Brittany Powell, Case Manager, Katie Tolbert, Therapist, Rebecca Sammons and Keisha Broering, DCBS Workers were in attendance to support the new family! “Words could never express the deep gratitude we feel for our DCCH and DCBS teams. From the informational meeting until Adoption Day, the team has been there with unconditional support and understanding. During our home study, I asked our social worker Nick, "Why do people go through DCCH vs the state? What's the perk?" In jest he responded, "Because you get me!" At the time I nervously Read more...

Happy Adoption Day to the McGuire family! The McGuire family now happily shares their last name with Kenzie, Kali, Kami, and Ameerah, four sisters who have lived with the McGuires since 2020. This adoption was surrounded in much love and support from so many family members (many from out of state!), friends, and also included the girls' biological grandmother who has remained close to the McGuire family. Kenzie was invited to read a letter she wrote; she finished the letter with “Now that we’ve gotten past everything, I’m so glad to say that Hanna is my official mother and I’m so glad to have all of you in my life”. When it came time to sign the papers, happy tears were shared, grateful to finally make the adoption official! Congratulations to the beautiful McGuire family!

Fort Mitchell, KY, November 9, 2023 – DCCH Center for Children and Families is changing the lives of children through foster care and adoption services. November is National Adoption Month and DCCH Center is changing the lives of children through foster care and adoption services. Here is a story we would like to share with you. “My name is Raven. I am a junior at the University of Kentucky and I am studying to be a Social Worker. If you were to observe me from the outside looking in, you would think I had the perfect life. I have two loving parents and three family dogs, all Boston Terriers, I live off campus with two of my friends and have two cats who live with me in Lexington. However, once upon a time not too long ago, my life looked completely different. The first 11 years of my Read more...