Club 1848

Your opportunity to make a difference starts with $18.48 a month.


There are 32 children in our residential program who range in ages 6-14.


It costs DCCH $508 a day per child to provide round-the-clock carefor each child. This includes housing, clothing, meals, schooling, multi-modalities, trauma-informed therapy, recreation, and more.


Our daily shortfall is $172 per child or an annual deficiency of $2,008,960. Only through the help of grants and donors like you can we continue to serve the most vulnerable in Kentucky.


DCCH Center was founded in 1848 and has been dedicated to providing quality care for more than 175 years.

We are asking for a monthly donation of $18.48 because 1848 is our founding year. We serve children from all across the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and we are asking that you consider joining Club 1848, regardless of where you live in the state, the country, or the world! Please join us and become a heart healer today to assist us as we serve the most vulnerable children in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.